Might explain why I haven't posted in something like months. I'm still recovering.
And what am I recovering from? (Or more acurately, what am I NOT recovering from?) It appears to be a ...
torn meniscus
Oh hell.
So right now I'm in physical therapy. One of the best facilities in Boston. But if things haven't improved by the end of next week (when I will attempt to run again), I'll be going to an orthopedic (surgeon) who specializes in athlete's knees.
Yeah. Remember Noakes' ten rules for runners? One of them is "Avoid the knife." I'm not keen on even arthroscopic surgery. I don't care if Joanie had it just weeks before the 1984 Olympics and then went on to win the first women's Olympic marathon.
So anybody out there have experience with this kind of injury? According to my PT guy, assuming it's a minor tear (and this one is likely to be minor), I should have a complete recovery and be running 6 weeks after arthroscopic surgery. I do trust this guy. He's a marathoner and a marathon trainer (and the owner of a large physical therapy business in Boston). But talk of surgery does make me quite (understandably) nervous.
The odd thing about all of this is that my running buddy from work -- has the same type of injury.
Anyway, it is national blogging month (or something like that) -- so I'll be posting every day this month.
Better stay tuned -- there will be a surprise coming in a couple weeks.