Sunday, July 02, 2006

Weekend in the Big Apple

The last time we did this, I missed my long run due to a bizzard that brought everything in NYC to a standstill.

I missed another run. Only the second missed workout since last February. At least this time it was a short recovery run that I missed.

We're in Brooklyn helping our daughter move to a new apartment. We got a late start out of Boston yesterday and by the time we unloaded the stuff we brought down here, and then made two trips from the old apartment to the new one, we were all tired and it was late. No sense in adding a "recovery" run on top of that, when I planned to do a medium/long run the next day.

Today, Sunday, I took the subway up to Manhattan and got off by Central Park. It was 9:00 am by the time I started. I did two loops around the park (not sure how far it is, but I suspect somewhere around 6 miles), plus a diversion to the restrooms, plus an extra loop around the reservoir (the place you always see runners in Central Park -- think Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man -- "Is it safe?"), plus a little extra around the south end of the park, to make a total of about 15 miles. It was quite warm by the time I finished and I was drenched. I waited around for my wife and daughter to meet me. When they arrived, we went and got a bagel and coffee.

Then we proceeded to spend the entire day walking around New York City. First Macy's -- I found a coffee shop, then all around Soho. By the time we got back to Brooklyn, my feet were just aching. After a bit of a rest while my wife and daughter went out to get some groceries, we are now about to make some dinner -- and so I must sign off.



Blogger Sarah said...

I love running in Central Park! Living on the west coast, I've only had the chance to do it twice. But its still one of my all-time favorite places to run.

Good luck on your upcoming marathon!

7/03/2006 12:45 PM  
Blogger Lara said...

For all the times I've been downstate, I've never run in CP. Sounds nice though (except for the Marathon Man thing!).

7/04/2006 8:16 AM  
Blogger D said...

Nice run Kurt. As many times as I have been to NY - I have yet to run in Central Park.

7/05/2006 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss visiting new york! hope to get back up to the northeast someday...

7/11/2006 11:07 AM  

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