Sunday, January 17, 2010

Longest run since April 2008 (and haiku)

runing steady
around the frozen pond --
fissures in the ice


Ran 5 miles this morning! It felt SO good (even if I was getting a little tired the last mile). Weather was nice -- about 30 degrees maybe. Overcast.

I had intended to run yesterday (when temperatures hit 40) but a flare-up in my knee dissuaded me. It's not as bad as it sounds. I seem to have occasional problems with the torn meniscus when I walk. But not when I run. And even when it flares up (which my understanding is when a piece of torn meniscus gets pinched in the joint), just resting it for a half hour to an hour usually does the trick. And most strange is that running now seems to have no effect on it (just walking). Weird.

So 5 miles. That was the longest I went in between the two injuries. I can see now that going further will not be an issue, so as soon as I log a 6 mile run, I will have run farther than I have since the first injury after my last marathon (Hyannis marathon Feb 2007, injury Summer 2007).

It's been a long road. Glad to be on a different road now.



Blogger Anne said...

Stay on that road to recovery, Kurt, even if it's getting pretty crowded. I hope to catch up to you and your 5-milers soon.

1/17/2010 6:39 PM  

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